Thursday, March 29, 2012

New revelation and perspective on what’s true, what’s right and what’s twisted politically correct in public opinion.

Way back when I was working on public relation for a network company, there’s one very special incident that happened. A small community got some politician promising full and free Wifi access. So every resident is given a username and password. But 80% of the resident have gotten the username and password and forgot about it because they are not common user of the web. And then the other 20% did not have access to the hot spot setup because of hardware theft.

So the problem begins when the company find out there’s no traffic in the network. And they started to do survey and this is what they come back with.

No traffic, almost no complaints regarding the network. But there is thousands on complaints on the company and all of the faults are directed to the company that set up the network.

So what is actually true here, the member of the community is forgetful, the blame is place on the company because they didn’t send again the username and password every single week to remind them to use the network?!

The right thing that’s happening, it’s the politician that promise the member of the society, the contract is between the politician and the company. The politician administration never ask anything, yet for customer satisfaction, the company go ahead and done a survey to find out the problem.

The Twisted Reality in Public opinion, The political Satan made a promise and betray them, the corporate devil Eat all the Government money, and the General Public are never wrong for forgetting or never taking care of their own business.

So the reality is, in the end nothing that ever happened ever matter, and they never question who to blame. The PR department straight away spin into damage control and crisis handling mode and started a campaign to teach and regulate and make the community accustom to using the Wifi at least once a week. The government amp up the security for the hardware facility, and a service center is set up that takes up thousands of dollar to maintain every month to accommodate still the 50% of users' complaints.

So, the true lesson we learn here, bcoz the public forgetfulness and the undermining of the politician on the promise he made and the corporate inexperience on handling government projects. And Now, the community is wasting millions every year of public taxes on something that they dun even want in the first place.

and that the opinion of majority is not always the right one. that is what we hope for. not every time that it'll turn out to be correct. We choose our own path, never just followed. it may just bring you to Hell.

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