We are on the band wagon too last week. Real Steel, again for 2 weeks in a roll. And the metal keeps rolling.
To tell the truth, the story is good, the idea is refreshing, the effects are amazing. But the chemistry I must say is a little bit off. It’s either the shot is not focus enough at some moving moments or some editing timing lapse that cause the chemistry to strain. There are something off on this one.
However, one great thing that comes off this big boy is Dakota Goyo. Look out for this boy. Man can he act. Every single emotion is on point. Every move he makes is perfectly in sync with every shot. And he’s only 12. Damn. And if you haven’t figured it out yet, he’s the young Thor that we saw at the 20 minutes mark of the Thos movie.
Alright, back to the movie, a story of a slacker, ex great boxer, abandon when the sport went south to using robots. He become the robots pilot and he is not a good one at it. To say the most here comes the son he never wanted. The ex-Wife died and he is left to take care of his son for a while. And as stubborn as the two try to be, they bonded for the first time and the rest is history. It’s a love story, of a reluctant father and an abandoned child reconnected. Using the effects and the fights as a back ground very Rocky and very Over The Top –esque. Very Stallone really, awkward father, smart child, the sports background.
Another movie opening this week is The Thing. I don’t know is anyone still remembers the original. It’s about 30 years back. I was just 10 when I watch it on replay on the big screen. It’s one of those movie that’s far too in front of the pack that people have a hard time to swallow the too futuristic aspect of the idea of a shadow-morphing body snatcher. It’s on the same blazing trail with Aliens, and Encounter with the Third Kind. The John Carpenter Version is totally not gimmicky too.
Anyhow, the Thing is not a remake. Rather it is a prequel to the 1982. If you remember it, the original is more suspenseful. A lot of pre-design plot lay on the station because the station started with burned and charred before everyone realize they are being attacked. Fast forward to the new movie, or rather backwards to the current movie time line before the station is blew up. The new movie, explains all the missing pieces, where did the ice block came from, where are all the people from the station, and why are there are a guy trying to kill a dog and a heli blown up?
This year, going back a couple of days of the original, a science team make one of the most amazing discovery ever. The site is enormous and a group of scientist is assembled to research on the discovery. And they have found the creature that have triggered the signal from the site that lead to the scientist to discover the site, under the ice. And all hell break loose. Before anyone can figure it out. Half of the team is already taken. And suspense ensue when one of them discover the sinister way the alien try to take over the station.
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