Red Riding Hood now if you haven’t got a glimpse of the gloomy than usual version of the story, you should now go and watch it.
The story always gives me the black humor when I’m really young.
But this time, the cast and the script writer really did well. A really age old story, revamp with a great love story and a great mystery in the background. Of course after the Underworld and Twilight franchises success, there’s no doubt that the wolf have become werewolf. Anyhow, the cast is fantastic, and young and the storyline is dark enough and suspense on air to great effects.
Just got off the marquee, is the Limitless. One small pill, you can get all the ability you have in you….
I’m not commenting on the salability of the movie. But the idea, regardless how the mass population and the mass media feel about the movie. I think that every movie in some ways does provoke thoughts. Limitless teaches us something, that is if your brain didn’t actually filled up anything after all, then the full capacity of the brain is merely as much as you have in you, Not more than that. So even with a full brain capacity accessible to you, you are only as smart as the things you put in you.
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