This is a funny week to play. Haha, I was with a friend that haven’t been together for 2 years, and suddenly she bring me to a concert for free. And today, a couple of the ladies that I never actually go out with before ask if I’d like to join them for dinner or movie. (Guys, don’t misunderstood. Not kinky at all. Just strange.)
Well, we went out, found a movie that fits our schedule and we went to dinner straight away.
So apparently I didn’t remember that one of their birthday falls on next weekend. As everyone is busy next week and the week after, the 2 decide to go out with me for a bit of fun. And fun it is ladies, u can come to my weekend movie marathon or simply go on some lavish dinner. Both of which we did not do. Haha, in the end we all compromise with one movie and a u-can-have-it-all dinner in the small shop by the road on the way to the movie.
What fun and relaxing can be without breaking big bucks, if you just let go of expectation and anticipation and be spontaneous sometimes.
So, we got our belly all fulled up to the brink with just 10 bucks each. Prawn, fish, Beef, Pork, Green, Salad, Chicken Wings, Thai Soup, Chicken Soup, Veitnam Pho, Eggs, wow, for 10 bucks each we really got it all going.
Anyway, back to the show. This week we of course are on to the newly released World Invasion: Battle LA.
It’s bound to be a top movie to watch. The big budget, the visual aspect and the story is compelling.
But is it really epic? The action is, the movie not really. It is essentially a more war movie than an emotional one. It takes in all the battle, the soldier story, mind frame into the story, to keep all the momentum and the suspense action going really well. The rhythm keeps the movies multiple climatic moments on top of each other well glued. But, as for emotional pressure points, director almost miss out on every opportunity to show it. because they are really brief. The whole movies really does operates as disciplined as a marine is. Just boom, after boom, after boom of climatic battle. And only rest to that a 5 second breather.
Well, it could be as epic as Saving Private Ryan or Titanic actually, if the audience can connect more with the character. Yet, the Skyline-esque beginning of the movie, tie in with battle after battle of bombing just makes is a good dance.
Anyhow, the movie is good to watch. The start of the invasion strangely resonated with the Japan’s tragedy. And I’m sure while everyone watching the movie….. they have thoughts about the crisis at one time or the other.
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