Going in to the holiday season, we are all hit with a series of studio promises hits.
It’s been a tradition for the last decade to watch some magical movies for the holidays, I guess one is not enough for this year. We have to have 2.
After Harry Potter we went for another magical storyland. Narnia to see again the good Prince Caspian, Edmund and Lucy back to the Aslan land of the great magic.
I must admit, Narnia is always the good old Children story that never gets old.
This time Voyage of the Dawn Treader is treading on stormy weather.
If you always love the magical story telling of the Narnia story you’d love this adaptation from 2 stories into one. (Strange when most movies area splitting one into 2. It’s going the opposite way. But the chronicle of Narnia are after all a story book that got like more than 30 story line to exploit from and the story is usually edited into some strangely fragmented ways. Still it’s a great children books none the less.)
Voyage proves to be an adventure that is light, both on the battle as well as the story line. Not too much of the first and second movies battle scene, just a bi heavy on the special effects. But the ship voyages on the sea looks really great on screen.
But hopping from island to island, there’s too many unfamiliar character in the movie to look at and too short of a time to tell the story in a better narration in my opinion really. It seems that every trip in every island are just too short.
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