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Movie lovers all around, it’s been a great fun week when the spring break begins.
The studio started out with John Carter, then there’s Mirror Mirror and Wrath of The Titans, of course we how can we forget about the Hunger Games and The Vow, then on this great 100th Anniversary of Titanic voyage and downfall, James Cameron turn out the amazingly reconstructed Titanic the Movie.
The UK is giving Step Up a chase for its money, Street Dance 2 in 3D.
Alright all the sequel and all the original which is better?
While I’m sure everyone is still talking about Hunger games, I would only say this once more. While the Hunger Games is hype and young, I felt that John Carter really have got a great gig going. Not to under mind Hunger Games, it’s a great futuristic story with great Character. But I must give props to the Director and studio of John Carter, the artistic value and the CGI Effects of John Carter is just pristine.
I’m going to see Battleship this week, while the movie might be Transformer-esque, I do not think that it’d top the spectacular imagination of John Carter, from storyline, character building, to the realization of the story with effects.
Let’s talk Sequel, The Wrath of the Titans?! While I love the 1980s version of the first movie more. I must say, this sequel to the 2010 version is not bad. Not bad at all. The story is original, there’s no comparison, so I can enjoy it just as it is. The story is pretty solid, so solid it felt short and simple. U have the Titans getting out, and the God been betrayed and capture. The Clash of the Titans is always about only one quest, and how a demi-God Perseus earn his place in the Racks of his father Zeus. Yet while the 1980s is a character piece (everything then is about sex, and character). That is what lacks in the 2010 version, just story is not enough to carry the whole storyline of just one simple quest.
Now after years, he is again called to save the world. Back is a storyline between the Hero and the Heroin, and some interesting character like other demi-God and a more in-depth look at the God themselves.
And As for Street Dance 2, I must say, it is not as good as the first movie. While the first is an interesting twist to a normal Dance storyline, for the second, while the idea and the dance is original, the footwork of the movie itself is not so great. The camera often blurred into an unwanted focus point when the dancer dances. It may be cause of unflattering dance move or simply sloppy camera moves. But I must say, the director would have to takes more care of the shot when it comes to 3D, the larger movement of the camera could very easy confuse the audience because of effects, audience have to get more time on each shot for the eye to adjust focus to the shot. So large camera movement is often replaced with large action of the actor in wider shot.
For something sentimental and current, I think, guys, you can take your gal to The Vow. I know, I know, the Chick-flick. But it’s worth the trip, especially if you are planning to propose in the near future. What more can a movie show commitment than when you got married and then your wife wipe off every single memory of you and you have to chase her back?
Mirror Mirror, the classic story of the snow white revamp. The mood of the color in the movie is closer to the original story, but other than that I must say it’s a comedy. The costume and the character is comical. The Evil Queen chasing a Prince. A logical turn to the original. I love the movie. nothing bad about watching a comedy with great exaggerated costume and good looking human. Just one thing at the end of the movie they break into an Indian song. I understand that the director is Indian but the song just doesn’t fit because there’s no reference of it from the beginning til the end. While it’s charming and different it just felt out of place.
There’s been very few period pieces for the past 2 years that stood out. Most are just one-character driven by the incomparable Meryl Streep, anyhow, it’s a great thing that James Cameron is bring back the Biggest Chunks of them all, Titanic.
The truth is, Titanic is the only movie in the history that I think truly belong to the Big screen. If your experience of Titanic is only on the small screen on your office desk or the living room, then I must pursue you to go and watch it once on the Big Screen.
The reason is that, only a Huge Screen can truly show you the Majestic of the Ship that is truly fits to the name of Titan. And of course the little love story that makes 2 stars that burns brighter than ever since.
Lately there’s some fantastic scripted TV show that’s been coming out of the tube.
First off for musical lover, of course it the smashing “SMASH”.
The idea is original, the setup is interesting. Showing what a Broadway show goes from producer to the actor to the person behind creating the storyline, music and gathering the money for it.
There’s the outsider trying to get in, and the insider trying their best to stay in and like so many people in the world, while the world is big, most people tends to stay in small group and the circle is rather small.
Then there’s “Suit”, the ingenious story about how a guy with photographic memory sneak into the Law firm and pretended to be a lawyer without a lawyer degree. The twist in the story line just keeps going and going every month. There’s very little scandal other than him trying to keep up with a job and get ahead and office politics nothing huge like what they have in “The Good Wife”.
Then for the Supernatural gang, I’m sure no one is missing the “American Horror Story”, there’s nothing better than a horror story with the most elaborated storyline ever.
As for the New Age Type, your choice would be “Touch”. This one is classic. An autistic boy, with a genius mind that like Fibonacci into everything and fits about everything that happens in the world into one big network of connection that only he can see. And then he conveys the message to his father through the only thing he knows, numbers, who would try and solve and mend the broken ripple of the universe.
Way back when I was working on public relation for a network company, there’s one very special incident that happened. A small community got some politician promising full and free Wifi access. So every resident is given a username and password. But 80% of the resident have gotten the username and password and forgot about it because they are not common user of the web. And then the other 20% did not have access to the hot spot setup because of hardware theft.
So the problem begins when the company find out there’s no traffic in the network. And they started to do survey and this is what they come back with.
No traffic, almost no complaints regarding the network. But there is thousands on complaints on the company and all of the faults are directed to the company that set up the network.
So what is actually true here, the member of the community is forgetful, the blame is place on the company because they didn’t send again the username and password every single week to remind them to use the network?!
The right thing that’s happening, it’s the politician that promise the member of the society, the contract is between the politician and the company. The politician administration never ask anything, yet for customer satisfaction, the company go ahead and done a survey to find out the problem.
The Twisted Reality in Public opinion, The political Satan made a promise and betray them, the corporate devil Eat all the Government money, and the General Public are never wrong for forgetting or never taking care of their own business.
So the reality is, in the end nothing that ever happened ever matter, and they never question who to blame. The PR department straight away spin into damage control and crisis handling mode and started a campaign to teach and regulate and make the community accustom to using the Wifi at least once a week. The government amp up the security for the hardware facility, and a service center is set up that takes up thousands of dollar to maintain every month to accommodate still the 50% of users' complaints.
So, the true lesson we learn here, bcoz the public forgetfulness and the undermining of the politician on the promise he made and the corporate inexperience on handling government projects. And Now, the community is wasting millions every year of public taxes on something that they dun even want in the first place.
and that the opinion of majority is not always the right one. that is what we hope for. not every time that it'll turn out to be correct. We choose our own path, never just followed. it may just bring you to Hell.