Scotty McCreery!!!!! is the winner of the 10th American Idol!!!!!!
Pirates of the Caribbean is the hottest tickets in last week’s movie time, got a glimpse of the movie in a premiere show. Great effects, tone far down on the special effects grandeur compare with the last 2 sequels. Appreciate the humor and slower pace of the movie. The action is clearer. All in all it is a humorous entertaining piece, better with the storyline, but weaker on the effects.
I’m sure that it’s another hit for the month.
But for my appetite, one movie is always just an appetizer. So we move on to a horror movie. Insidious. Great to see Patrick Wilson at work again. I think he is probably one of the most underrated actors out there these days. His acting is fascinating. Anyway, back to the movie. A family move into a new home, after a while when their younger son fall into a coma. Then they realize the house is haunted. Then again they have no choice but to move, only to find out that the one haunted is not the house , but it’s their son…… so how do you un haunt a child?! Not totally scary but, interesting enough exciting. So have a see for those who like to be scare without all the gore.
It’s French movies week here, so when I got some spare time in my hand, I bought 2 ticks. Oh someone wonder why I watch so many movies? In these small South East Asia country called Malaysia, they show most shows about the same time or earlier than the America and the price is often less than 5 USD per show. Add in my lunch and 3 movies I’m still only used maybe 20 bucks max per day, so u figure.
Back to the French show. First is the usual suspect in French movie. Something that “looks” as tasty and complicated yet fascinating as the making of a French cuisine. Roman De Gare (Cross Tracks), it is the typical French styled movie that usually broken every detail into separate parts that create an artsy and suspenseful story telling. First there’s the news of escaping Killer in the radio, with a middle aged man driving a car crossing the country. Then the girl comes along dump by her fiancĂ©. Then they met. But what’s it gotta do with a murder, a fame writer with a ghost writer? And how the whole situation interwoven into one story? Someone is kill. Who is the killer? Does the fame writer truly write her own story? Does the strangers actually gonna be happy together? It’s is a suspenseful entertaining humor as only the French can put out.
L'arnacoeur (HeartBreaker) is not exactly the all French movie. The actor and actresses are French. Yet the production is international. It’s not as ground root in French story telling. It’s more commercialize. Yet still, it is a romance comedy better than what most American is churning out lately. U just have to love the French humor on life really. Everything just have to be extravagance. Almost it’s like the late forgotten Hollywood have. The natural humor, not forced at all. Well, the story star the beautiful Vanessa Paradis that alone would take your breath away. So a brother and sister are in the business of breaking unmatched couple apart. But when the situation forces the situation, how do they break their principle and breakup a seemingly perfect couple?
After rocking all the best of the best summer movie for the week, there’s no more summer blockbuster movie till this week’s Pirates of the Caribbean newest installment. So last week, I steer a little bit to the comedy side. Just a little bit.
I’ve gone and watch the reshow of Paul, the new alien, area 51-esque vs comic con movie.
The result is a witty, funny, British making fun of American ridiculousness movie. From the believer and non-believer of comicology to the alien vs God theory, and the creation of God of simply an anomaly progression of Darwin theory. Deep science deliver is the smoothest smartest way that British can. They even touch the soft look of British signifying Gayism in American Western country people’s eyes. All in all it’s a good fun to have those two out and about with an alien that’s just plain too American Atheist
Next up was the new romantic comedy, Something Borrowed. Love the Ginnifer Goodwin, Kate Hudson chemistry. But for Kate Hudson, don’t you think this is too close to the Brides War?
Anyhow, good to see Colin Egglesfield back on the big screen. Been a long with since the last time we see the chap on any movie. Did a great job being the prince charming. But the character is a little bit cowerish. Anyway, a light comedy that spread good cheer.
Now after a heavy dose of great fun, it’s time for some heavy dark movie. The Priest. Another Vampire movie. But this time the Church is the city and the world is in the Apocalyptic future.
The priest is ninja-esque fighter, and the church is a over fed government in denial. The priest brother been attached. Niece taken, so the priest fights the old friend turn enemy before he destroy the only surviving city. Good fun, great fight scene and fantastic view. Cam Gigandet is looking great and taking on great job in the Priest and The Roommate this year. Looks like the father is pulling his weight really well in the family
After the Rock and Roll James is out last week. The saultry soulful Haley is out too.
Who’s left? American idol have officially gone total American Country…..
Lauren and Scotty will be officially dueling it out at the finale of American Idol.
Finally a fight of the sexes on idol big western country style!!!! Yee Hah!!!
I was asked the other day whether I’m Gay or Hetero.
I'm happy, Life is good, and I have no desire, obligation, urges, eagerness to explain myself or identify it.
In the good old days I’ve told a lot of people I’m confused, and some time later I joked that I’m bi-sexual. Eager to answer or please.
All of that comes from an insecure teenage self, not fully understanding myself (mind, body, and soul) and giving in to others opinion and say what people think of me as I am.
So in the tradition of forgiving, and forgetting the past and moving forward, I am older and wiser, lesser doubt, learning more. I’m not confused, and I’m not your typical kinda guy.
I’ve dated women and guys. Both are great and all fun. And they are the past, my past.
My sexual encounters have only been with girls so I dun have any other kind of experience to compare with and I have no intention to compare any kinda relationship I have with and other relationship.
The fact is that I dun care which gender as long as it’s an honest and healthy relationship.
We human being judges too much. Some make it such a big deal. One girl told me: “So now I’m not only competing with my kind, I have to compete with the whole damn world?” Wait, who say that it’s a competition? You are the only one now that I am giving myself to, there’s no other, only you.
I’ve only dated one person at a time. Truthfully and wholehearted. It hurts when breakups happen but that is no excuse to dump yourself into self guilt and not move forward. There really are a lot of people in this world. Regardless of ages and gender, they are all fascinating people. So why not give yourself a chance, and share that love? And give yourself a break. Trust yourself. Believe in your soul. They are all good. Let yourself be loved. You are loved. You just have to open up to it. As in age, one of my friend met a great guy and he said he is too young, -10 years younger-, “but who cares?” you love him, he loves you, so you are the mature one in your work, he is the mature one in his idea and energy, that’s what you love him for and that’s what you want now. So we will change. For the better with time. Just go with it. The other one girl said, the man is too old. Goodness sake, you have dated guys younger than him and they are not in your range of intelligent and here’s a guy, 14 years older and mature, takes care of you, love you as any younger guy would and could. So why compare? Go ahead, take the leap. Yes it is scary. But ain’t life just about that? Taking chances and live?
and the No8 campaign?! all of that is a simple humanity statement, regardless, we are gay, straight, Christian, Muslims, Black, White, Asian, all is no excuse for hatred.
~~~ Andrew Phibbs